"My name's Jerry. Pleased to meet you."

"I'm Michel. Nice to meet you, too."


There was an awkward moment of silence as they shook hands. Jerry continued to hold Michel's hand as he went on to talk.

"I don't think we have to identify each other, do we?" Jerry's eyes looked directly into Michel's.

Michel understood immediately. "No, it's very easy to see, isn't it? That we're both the same. I mean-


Michel pulled his hand away and looked at a dog on a leash that passed by. He was afraid of having said too much. After all, how could he be sure? And, anyway, if Jerry was just like the man in the orange-stand, well, then it was all impossible. Michel tossed his cigarette away and pulled another from the pack.

"What are you worrying about? Look, Mike-I'd rather call you Mike I can see that you're having a hard time somewhere, or maybe with someone? Am I right?"

Jerry's voice was filled with warmth. Michel was ashamed of his distrust. "It's just that it's my first time."

Michel went on to tell Jerry all that he had been wanting to tell someone for so long. About Bernard and the argument, about leaving home because his parents didn't know and it hurt Michel to be in their company, about the stranger in the orange-stand, about the longing that made Michel warm inside his chest. As Michel finished his words, Jerry reached again for Michel's hand.

"Maybe I'm just like you, Mike. Maybe we're lucky in finding each other. At least I'm willing to try."

Michel wanted very much to accept Jerry as he had once accepted Bernard. He wondered if such a thing could ever be possible. Jerry was different from Bernard but somehow a whole lot nicer, more mature, something like himself, like Michel.

"I'd like to try, too, Jerry!"

They both got up. Jerry put his hand on Michel's shoulder in a gesture of friendship. They walked out of the park to the sound of guitars.



January 30 February 1 Three Days of Program and Fun